Everyone wants the secret to success, particularly in an industry as competitive as the beauty industry. Whether you own a major salon or you see clients on an individual basis, there are a few tricks of the trade we’re happy to pass on to help you bring your business to the next level.
Complete a business evaluation. You’ve heard of a Spring Clean before, yes? Well there’s no better time to Spring Clean your business than right now. So let’s get started. It’s impossible to take your business to the next level without having a strong understanding of its current state. Take the first step and thoroughly evaluate your salon. Is your appointment book frequently full? Are there specific areas of the business that could use a boost or are you busy across the board? Once you’ve got a good understanding you can move on to the next step.
Assess your customer’s needs. The easiest way to increase business is to give your current client base what they’re looking for. If you’ve already got great relationships with your clients, why are you sending them elsewhere to have other services done? They’d prefer to go to you for all of their needs because they already trust you and your business.
No, we’re not talking about increasing the size of your salon or branching out and start franchising, we’re talking about up skilling your current staff and expanding your salon’s offering. Whether it’s laser hair removal technology or wrinkle and fine line reduction, there are a wealth of opportunities out there to increase your specialties and your staff skill set. Your customers, your staff and your business will all be better for it.
How to Videos: These are simple videos you can shoot on your mobile phone that will make a huge difference to your business. Create a calendar of potential how to videos and post one a week to your social media platforms. Whether it’s how to apply the perfect foundation or how to prepare for your laser treatment, these can be quick 1-2 minute videos that will boost your following and get the phone ringing.
Create a referral program. People love a bargain but we don’t recommend discounting your skilled services, at least not without something in return. Give a voucher or a free consultation or perhaps some free products every time a client refers someone to you. It’s an incentive for them and more business for you at a minor investment.
If you follow these five simple steps you’ll be too busy to look back! Get ready for a major boost in business. At Spectrum we are industry experts and glad to offer you assistance for any of your potential needs.
Find out how we can help you boost business today by filling out the form on our contact us page here or calling us at 1300 766 198. From quality machines and comprehensive training to business and marketing assistance, we’re happy to help.
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