Professional laser hair removal machine treatments is one of the world’s most common cosmetic treatments for unwanted hair.
Professional hair Removal Laser machines utilise beams of highly concentrated light which are designed to selectively penetrate into the follicles of hair (absorbed by the pigment in each hair follicle and subsequently destroy the hair that is within that hair follicle). Over the years a number of different light sources and lasers have been created that can be used in professional laser hair removal machines. The treatment was originally developed to be treated on dark hairs on light skin. However certain new technologies have been developed and used to make treatments safer for patients with darker skin tones. An example of technologies include laser hair removal machines (diode laser, SHR technology, alexandrite lasers and Nd:Yag lasers) and IPL Machines (intense pulsed light machines).
A professional laser hair removal machine can remove unwanted hair from certain conditions that cause excess hair growth or can offer a new look. In most cases individuals will require a number of treatments which will result in permanent hair reduction of unwanted hair. The leading lasers and light sources are cleared for permanent hair reduction, this means a reduction over time. The results will depend on the individual with some people seeing very long term hair removal which may last for many years. While others can sometimes require maintenance treatments over time to maintain their degree of hair loss. Unfortunately it is not possible to determine in advance of treatments exactly who will require how many treatments and what the result will be in terms of permanent hair reduction. Laser hair removal does work best on customers with dark hairs on lighter skin (well trained clinicians using a proven technology can provide a good framework to customers). Newer technologies from businesses including Spectrum Science & Beauty and Alma Lasers have made the procedure safe and effective in those with darker skin.
Before the treatment, a trained therapist or clinician will perform a consultation so that you can make an informed consent. The consultation also gives the therapist an opportunity to identify any contra-indications that may prevent or limit you from having a treatment.
Once the consultation has been performed and you wish to proceed to the next step, a client consultation and consent form must be filled in and signed. The consultation form will require you to fill in information about yourself. This information will allow the therapist to assess suitability for the treatment and identify any issues that may restrict or contra-indicate performing the treatment. The consultation form may include information such as;
– Lifestyle Habits
– Medical History
– Medications
This above is also the time for the therapist or clinician and patient to discuss expectations of the treatment, potential risks and the outcomes of the treatments. Customers receiving laser hair removal should for example avoid the following: tanning beds, sunbathing, chemical peels, waxing, collagen injections for atleast 2 weeks before the treatment. Additionally, avoid deodorants, perfumes, or any potential irritants within the area to be treated before and after the laser hair removal treatment. Avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements (this list is not exhaustive and there will be other contra-indications that need to be avoided).
An example of what customers may experience following the treatment:
– Swelling and redness of the hair follicle, which is a normal occurrence.
– Can experience discomfort.
– Should avoid direct sun exposure for at least one week following all laser hair removal treatments.
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