2017 has kicked off. Start 2017 by making your goals/resolutions with a process to support their attainment and when you review in a year’s time you will be very happy with the results!
It is estimated that fewer than 10 percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions/goals. We all know it’s not creating a resolution that is the hard part; it is about sticking to them for the next 365 days. How are you going to achieve your resolution/goals this year?
Write Your Resolutions Down
The best way to keep your resolution or goal is to write them down. Creating daily to do lists and recording long-term goals are really good ways to manage your goals and turn them into action.
Start your year strong and manage your goals. Make sure to write your goals down and take notes as the year progresses.
Create Timelines for Your Resolutions/ Goals
Make sure to create timelines for your goals. We recommend that you focus on short-term goals as well as long-term. Focus on 30 day or 90 day goals because it has been shown to produce better results by focusing on shorter time frame goals than on the full year (365 days). With long-term goals it is much easier to procrastinate and say to yourself there is still plenty of time because the year has only just started.
Stay Clear on Your Business and Personal Goals
Reviewing and staying clear on your vision for not only your business but personal goals is important. Schedule time every day or week to focus on your vision and changing your thoughts. 30 to 90 days is long enough to make positive and lasting changes to your thoughts and behaviours. Keep your mind open to new thoughts and ways of doing things (write down these new ideas and thoughts, which will help continually turn them into action).
Develop ways to hold yourself accountable to your goals. This could be by stating your goals to a close associate or partner. Or maybe through a business coach that holds you accountable on a one-on-one setting. If you have ever had a gym or workout partner you know that this helps keep you accountable to your workouts. You show up to the workout session even when you don’t feel like it because you don’t want to let your workout partner down. You can get the same benefits from a associate, partner or coach. Find what works for you.
An example may be to introduce a new beauty service or equipment to your business within 90 days. Or increase revenue from your IPL machine by xx amount through implementing a new marketing strategy and campaign. Do you have learning goals for the year? Or health and relationship goals?
Commit right now to achieve your goals!
Speak to our team about your beauty business goals for 2017. We would love to learn about your business and discuss the best available options for your business and client base. Through our full support solution you could kick off the year offering advanced treatments with our industry leading technologies, training and support to your budget at a more affordable investment than you may think.
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