What is tattoo clearance?
Generally accepted to be clearance of 95 % of the pre-treated tattoo. There are no devices available that record 100% clearance – and this is important to note.
Are there tattoos that resist treatment?
Certain colours are harder to clear. Black is easiest and the most common colour used, however the dense tribal tattoo designs that have become very popular, whilst black in colour, are difficult to clear because of their extreme density and will take more treatments than the standard variety.
Why Switch?
There are 2 separate wavelengths produced in the clearance of tattoos. Protective goggles are required by the operator and client.
The 532 nanometre wavelength treats the red and orange targets in the skin. It is attracted to red and orange targets which includes ink, but can also include pigments such as age spots, freckles and sun spots.
The 1064 nanometre wavelength is a near-infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. This is the wavelength that treats the black and dark tattoo inks.
Another consideration is the Switch is a 3B laser – it has been designed with the power generated in the hand-piece, not the body, so the energy travels the shortest possible distance and is categorised at a different level than earlier models. Added to this, a class 3B laser has different licensing and training requirements that earlier class 4 models.
What to do before and after tattoo removal
Pre care
Just like when you received your tattoo, the area will be cleaned before treatment and you may want to use a topical numbing crème for comfort. This can be purchased from a pharmacy without prescription. Other than that there is no specific preparation required.
Post care
There will be some inflammation after treatment. The treated area will also appear slightly raised – dress this area with a non-aqueous based, ointment and a flexi roll to protect for water, friction and injury.
Infrared red LED light for healing is recommended post treatment, at least weekly, to optimise the healing process, at least weekly to speed up the healing process.
When the surface layer is healing, and the dressing is removed, ensure you use a sun block to protect to healed skin.
Pain relief
This treatment will be uncomfortable – so prepare for that. A cooling device that blows cold air onto the skin during treatment will increase comfort. Numbing crème – apply 60 min prior and wrap in gladwrap to infuse into the skin.
Number and frequency of tattoo removal treatments
Treatments are recommended 6 weeks apart – usually 6-8 sessions are required to clear a standard tattoo to 95%.
There is no benefit in treating more frequently as the body’s elimination system which removes the shattered ink particles is set to a particular rhythm and cannot be hurried. You may not damage the area, but the treatment is more likely to be a waste of effort.
Switch is also used to treat nail fungus, dermal pigment and epidermal pigment.
Powered by Spectrum Switch ND:Yag, available in standard and portable models
For more information https://www.spectrumsciencebeauty.com.au/product/spectrum-switch/
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