Perhaps the one time in a woman’s life that she may regret her ink.
Please don’t get us wrong; we love a well crafted tattoo, but many brides say they feel they need to compromise on their choice of gown to accommodate a tattoo whose time has passed.
If you or someone you know has a wedding deadline and a tattoo is getting in the way, here are a few things you should know.
Red is the second most popular colour and it’s sometime hard to shift
Colours such as red, as well as more recent trends to blues and greens can become more difficult to treat depending on the quality and type of tattoo technique; was the tattoo amateur or professionally applied. in some cases these tattoos can take twice the number of treatments to improve. Many experienced practitioners recommend a532nm laser
Black is the most common
a high powered, effective laser is key to use for any tattoo removal. An ND:Yag 1064 is the gold standard in tattoo removal – and also unwanted pigment [like freckles, and age spots]
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