So you’ve got a great salon or day spa but you’re not sure how to best market it? We understand it can be quite overwhelming when you’re just getting started in Social Media or maybe you’ve been using it for years but have never seen any results. Either way, it’s a medium you should be using. We’ve taken the time to compile a simple list to make it easy for you to get started.
Plan ahead. Social Media Marketing for salons isn’t as difficult as it seems, a little structure will go a long Take the time (as hard as it is to find) and make a plan to follow. This will allow you to prepopulate your profiles with interesting posts, ensure consistency and prevent you from a last minute panic about what to post. You can even pass it on to your lovely receptionist and ask her to follow the calendar for you. See, it’s all about making your life easier!
Become a Facebook professional. We’re going to assume your main focus is Facebook because it really should be. If you take the time to learn the ins and outs of this platform, not only will you engage more with current customers but you’ll also gain new customers.
So what should you post?
Pictures! Before and after is always a great idea as your clients look forward to getting their photos posted and potential clients can see what you can do. And we’re not just talking about hairstyles, we’re talking about tattoo removal as well.
Client testimonials! Did a client have a great service and send you some positive feedback? Share that with your likers, we guarantee they’ll be interested to see how other clients feel about your business.
Competitions! Are you beginning to offer laser hair removal? Run a competition asking your followers to ‘share and like’ a photo for a chance to be the first treatment on your new machine!
Relevant, short posts! Do you have a new service offering? Share it with your likers. If it’s relevant and may interest them, share it with them.
Keep all profiles up to date! Whatever you do, do it well. This is probably the most important of all. If you have a Facebook page, keep up with it, if you have a Twitter account, update it frequently. Your customers are interested in what you have to say, that’s why they follow or like you, so make sure you’re saying something!
Have fun! Social Media at its purest is about (you guessed it) being So have a little personality about it and most importantly don’t stress. Use this tool to talk about all the great things happening at your salon and in the industry and have fun with it.
Did you know as part of Spectrum’s Point of Difference, when you purchase a machine from us, we can also provide you with marketing/social media software to help you manage your marketing?
Want to learn more about the Spectrum Point of Difference? Fill out our enquiry form to the right or give us a call on 1300 766 198.
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